The lessons are held by Giorgio Baccino, technical instructor of the Italian FISW Surfing Federation with ISA Surfing international patent and lifeguard license.

Lessons and excursions

The School offers the possibility of an individual (€ 40) and group lessons (€ 25 / person) lasting 1 hour.

In the case of group lessons, as a rule, we speak of small groups (from 2 to 5 students) to maximize learning and safety at sea, but upon reservation, we can organize outings with more people based on the abilities of the participants. The groups are obviously made up of students with the same technical level.

For the first lesson, in particular, a theoretical part will initially be carried out on the beach necessary to assimilate the basic notions that will have to be put into practice once in the water.

At the theoretical level, there are three levels of difficulty and depth (beginner, intermediate and advanced). On a practical level, the lessons are super customized to the needs of the student (personal requests, correction of errors, and gaps in the activity).

On request, it is possible to mix lesson + excursion and the teaching will be spread on the route of the excursion on the local coast.

Sports equipment is provided consisting of a rigid board, adjustable paddle, leash, and life jacket if required.

During the lessons and excursions, it is obviously possible to use your own board.

For who

Stand Up Paddle is a sport for everyone! Recommended age from 14 to 75 years with exceptions.

It is also possible to organize lessons for younger children with ad hoc boards, upon reservation.

The only skill required is knowing how to swim and not having an excessive fear of water.

Where is it

We have two support centers, both very close to the Bergeggi Marine Protected Area:

1) at the Pro Loco Bergeggi Beach with a meeting point at the Maresport Bergeggi Free Equipped Beach;

2) c / o Merello Shop in Spotorno, newsstand and small emporium of sea items near the Aurelia underpass, facing the free beach located between Bagni Copacabana and Cantinone Mare.

The starting point will be agreed upon on the basis of the request, the availability of equipment, and sea weather conditions.

In both cases, but particularly in the first, it is necessary to bear in mind the difficulty of parking cars, campers, etc.


All activities must be agreed upon by contacting the instructor in advance.

Usually, we organize outings on Saturday and Sunday from morning until evening, but also evening outings on weekdays (from 17:30 / 18:00). However, there is the possibility of scheduling the activity on particular days and times based on the number of requests.

Recommended clothing and useful items

In addition to the swimsuit, Lycra T-shirt, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, a bottle of water, goggles, or mask for any snorkeling break.

N.B. personal items brought with you during the outing could be damaged or lost (in particular eyeglasses, smartphones, action cameras, sunglasses, and snorkeling equipment). Cloakroom available included. Free shower on the beach.

To book a SUP trip:

  • send a message to the instructor Giorgio on WhatsApp at  +39 347 8248018,
  • specify the surname, first name, age, and weight of the participants,
  • any previous experience in SUP (or surf or windsurf or wing),
  • desired day and time slot.

You will receive a quick reply to organize the trip also based on sea weather conditions!

Contact us




Proloco Bergeggi




Tourist information office  proloco Bergeggi  +39 19 859777